Tag Archives: Anglina Jolie

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt: Travel vs. Have Another Baby?

‘Just saw this query from an author:  “Looking for women who have built careers or businesses that allow them to travel long-term — and have balanced that with family. Interested in sources who have taken their families with them while traveling, as well as chosen to limit family in the interest of travel. “

My thought: I guess it takes all kinds, but it never crossed my mind that some folks would rather travel than have another baby.  Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt can do both. People of regular means do it all the time, too. Check out www.hugyourkidstoday.com

Is travel that great? Will your slideshow of the Taj Mahal or the Acropolis keep you company when you are old?  What do you think? Comment away!


Filed under work-life balance, working mothers, working parents